Sunday, October 3, 2010

Crazy Story #1

Once again it's been forever since I've used my blog! I have 3 crazy stories to tell since I've been back but I'm gonna brake it up just to get my post count back up. But real quick: My new laptop is sweet. And once again I've talked to no one from Herndon... whoops. :P I'll try and be more active on FB cause I'll look for any excuse to use the laptop.

Anyways, Jessica and I were in a nearby freshman dorm eating at the cafeteria. We're going down this small hallway to leave and all of a sudden we hear "someone help me!" coming from the bathrooms. So we stopped to see if it was coming from the women or mens room and then we hear "someone! please! help!" from the womens bathroom. Jessica goes in and when the coast is clear I followed. There was some girl laying on the floor holding onto her stomach barely moving and she said "please... get help". So we ran outside to the RA desk and they followed us into the bathroom. One RA is saying "Can you hear me? Put up a finger if you hear me". But there was no answer or response. They called an ambulance and told us to leave. We never saw the girl again, and I haven't seen the RA's we got to help. So I donno what the aftermath was, but I hope we saved someones life!! It was really scary though, not gonna lie. On a side note, there was another girl in the bathroom who was like "Uhh...Hello?" from a stall when the RA's asked if anyone else was in there. So that girl must have completely ignored that girls calls for help and maybe even stepped over her while she was passed out! What a bitch dude.