Saturday, May 31, 2008

Change is Impossible

Episode 18: "Thats the way it is"
So I hate to go off onto a political tangent here(haha which is pretty rare and you probably wont see it from me again), but there's something really bugging me about todays America. Have you ever heard someone tell you "Life is Hard, deal with it" or "That's life" everytime you have a bad teacher or you have to pay 70 dollars for gas, or finding a job/working, etc? I'm so tired of everything being followed by this standard of "life." Although I wasn't really for Nader or Ron Paul, now that I think about it, they are geniuses. They wanted to make drastic changes to America, but guess what? No one voted for them. Wonder why? Because there ideas would be changing life, and for some unknown reason, Americans don't want to see that.

Getting back to "That's life." It doesn't have to be that way. My friends Dad's and my Dad are always working or out of town. So all of our problems seem minor to them. And they say "That's life." again. But what if that wasn't life? What if we became socialistic? What if we had one standardized test after high school that determined if we went to college or became a labor worker but everyone was guaranteed a job? A lot of people see this as a bad thing, but whats the point of a college student wasting all there money on a job that doesn't pay or that is above there skill level? I'm not trying to rant about us becoming socialistic, but we need change. And everyone is too afraid to leave capitalism or "standard living." Its like people don't care that were in a wack war or the dollar is useless and inflation is on the rise, or that college becomes more and more of a competition each year. Why don't we all get an education? Why don't labor jobs pay equally to desk jobs? Why are the poor getting poorer?

So please, don't be ignorant. The next time someone tells you, "that's life" respond: "Why? because everyone wants to keep it this way?" We have the worst of almost everything. Pollution, health care, the list goes on. You should research how other non-capitalistic countries work such as England and Canada as well as other European countries. It may seem really weird how some of them work, but please, don't be afraid of it. Because they have strong money and good health care and low unemployment rates. Don't let the older generations tell you how life is supposed to be. Because it doesn't have to suck, it's just todays "normal." We are creating a false reality in the United States, and it's bad for everyone. I hope this is something our generation can learn, understand, and accept by the time we gain power. Instantly dismissing candidates for wanting radical (and needed) change is so close minded. Stop being close minded and save our Country! Peace and Love.

1 comment:

Jeanine said...

People are afraid of change. I LOVE the health care system in Europe. I mean...goodness. It's just Americans are so used to one thing, if something were to mix it up it'd be chaotic.