Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Summer and Social Fail

Damn I don't believe summer is just weeks away. I for one am not ready at all. I just want to chill. Summer in high school was great; I didn't have to worry about anything! Now summers are filled with so much crap and responsibility. Work, having no license, people who try to make you look like an imbecile then pretend it's nothing, missing college friends, and it just seems more hectic. I'm going to miss college so much just because our group of friends got so close and we never had to worry about drama or anything and fun was daily. I definitely don't want to work either. Jessica met my parents today and they loved her so it sucks that were gonna split for the summer too. Don't get me wrong I love the people I have in Northern VA like Dan, Matt, J9, and the others... but I wish they were at college with me instead. :P Hopefully despite work and other responsibilities we can still make this the most ballin summer ever.

Also, I feel so behind now. I used to be extremely good at being social and had a lot of friends and such... I even felt like I was kinda ahead of my time. But now that facebook is here and I don't hardly use it at all... I'm actually way behind my time. I can't keep up with anyone and when I actually do decide to comment on something Andrew has probably already beaten me to it. I can't get into these blogs my close friends are making and being raved about and I'm so far behind with Sean and Lori and the others it's not even funny. That's one good thing about the summer though because I really really can't wait to see them face to face. But for now I fail. :P
Hopefully I'm wrong about my bad view of the summer!


Lorien Williams said...

It really is good and bad, but don't worry about it too much! I think the pros will mosdef outweigh the cons. I'm sure you can meet up with your college friends at some point!

And whaddaya mean, far behind with me!? Lol jk. XD

I do feel bad about updating my online stuff infrequently, but just think about it the way I do: I'm not updating it because I'm having fun IRL at the time! Hahaha.

Jeanine said...

You're wrong Mr. Hulme. I for one cannot wait for summer to get here and although most of us are going to be working, we'll still be able to chill and have an even better summer than last time. I'm still hoping our group decides they want to go to VA beach again! Hopefully this time we won't have as many time constraints.

And lol Andrew IS everywhere on Facebook but that shouldn't discourage you from adding your own two cents on whatever.

You'll have plenty of time to catch up with everyone. By the time summer ends, you just might not want to see us again...till next summer. XD

Lorien Williams said...

Hahaha @ J9's comment. I agree! I'm really excited about mostly the beeeeeeeach. I was talking to Dan & Jomo about VA beach, and going for a week or two!! My parents are much more chill now. And maybe to cut costs we could just set up tents intead of getting a hotel. XD

Andrew's presence on FB is insane. It doesn't bother me, it's just... wow. Yep.

Jeanine said...

lol "Jomo"?

Very nice Lori.

Lorien Williams said...

Heheheh, unfortunately I can't claim the credit for that one. Dan was typing... something or other, and when he typed "Jomo" I was all, "Ehhh?" and he was like, "Joe + Morreale, obv!"

It is quite clever though, and I'm trying to remember to use it when referring to Joe. XD

Andy Hulme said...

Alright yeah we definitely have to do the beach. And yeah I'm far behind with ya! ;] I know nothing!

Yeah his presence is insane, but I still can't help but get the feeling I'm like missing out and will have more work to do once we all return. I definitely wouldn't ever want to not see you guys. Ms. Kohl. XD

The tents idea is amazing, and I accidentally replied to that comment on LAMATB cause I thought you made it there. :P

And yeah, I'm so down with referring to Joe as Jomo now. It's really catchy.

Lorien Williams said...

OH LOL, I read your response to tents on LAMATB just now and didn't even realize it hadn't been proposed there!! XD

Too bad some people want a hotel... I guess some people are in the minority anyway, hahaha.

Once again crossing the LAMATB-Andy border, Jeanine, Pirateland sounds awesome.

Jeanine said...

Doesn't it?! If we decide to go there, I think we should all get a pirate outfit and wear it on the last day. There are a bunch of camping site in Myrtle Beach but the Pirate one sounded the coolest by far.