Monday, September 21, 2009

Long Time Coming

Wow my blog. Haha it probably thought I wasn't coming back! I feel really bad because I had so many stories I wanted to share including how awesome working at Old Navy was, and my move in at ODU but they are out of my head now. I hope everyone is having fun at college! I was worried when I first got here because it hit me that it might not be as awesome as I was building it up to be over the summer, but it has been awesome. I'm really excited for some of you guys coming down to ODU so I can show how we do it around here!

My van is dead for right now, which sucks. The battery has been wack and I've had to jump start it 4 times this week! But I drove to Jessica's last night and it died and wouldn't even jump start so she had to drive me back and the van is just chillin dead at her place.

I am almost 100% done with facebook. I look at it a lot but I'm just way to lazy to write people back and keep up with peoples birthdays and stuff. I might try a test where I get rid of my wall completely so not to many people will write me and if they do it will have to be by private message. And although I hate to say it I might test out twitter as well. Its starting to look like facebook without the hassle!

Finally, I love my new phone. I'm not very materialistic but for some reason I always need a ballin cell phone. I do whatever I can to use it cause its sweet just looking at it, and Jessica surprised me with a 8GB mini SD card for it and so it has completely replaced my ipod since then so I'm back to being apple product free! :)
The camera is also awesome and I snapped a picture of my van at exactly 150000 miles. I'll have to add it later though because I actually typed this whole blog post with my phone while waiting outside of my 2 o' clock class.

Anyways, I'm sorry I have been extremely lacking with my online activity but I miss all you guys a lot and I hope you're having a great time now that we're back!


Jeanine said...

You're aliiiive!

I'm sorry to hear the the BVoD (Blue Van of Doom) is out of commission.

I use facebook primarily to post links about random crap I stumble upon. Makes me happy inside. I'm mad that FB put the birthday thing at the bottom because I rarely scroll to look and 99% of the time I miss it or forget about it.

As for Twitter, I text updates with my phone to remember funny or outrageous things that happen throughout my day so it's fun.

Anonymous said...

i bet it's the alternator on your car!!

Ngu-Meister said...

I still use facebook more than twitter.

I tweet everyonce and a while to (like jeanine) post a moment that is like lmao want to remember that.

Im too social with people to just quit out of FB.

one Advantage I have over you and jeanine (suck on that one)